Thursday, February 03, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Gratitude for Today

Eek - Today is proving to be challenging.  I have a sick baby running a high fever, work (need to catch up for the past few days), a test due for school, and last night the pipes burst in our rental property, flooding the downstairs.  The plumber just made it over, the pipes are now frozen, and he can't do anything until we dismantle the kitchen.  Talk about things to not be thankful about.  But given what I have today - here's what I'm thankful for:
  • A rental property!  And a great tenent.  And great neighbors at that property who dropped what they were doing last night to help us clean up.  And that it's so close.
  • Friends & Family who are willing and able to help tear apart the kitchen for the plumber.
  • Daycare for the non-sick baby
  • Solid pipes at our home, which has a great heater
  • 4 family members who aren't sick
  • Understanding work
  • Working internet!
  • Naptime
  • A brain that works quickly to understand Structural Equation Modeling
  • A husband who plays tetris with me to reduce stress late at night and wakes up in the morning and cleans the kitchen
  • A son who is always making us smile
There are a lot of things to be grateful for today.  Hopefully I can remain grateful and optimistic today and enjoy the time with my family.

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