In any case, I'm keenly aware that I'm not the only person out there that has a lot on their plate. Also, as I've been thinking about it I've thought about how "Working Mama Wednesday" is kind of funny - all mom's work. So - if you're a mama - here's to you! I'm sure you can come up with your own list!
Here are the "normal" day-to-day things I work on:
- Cleaning the house (4200 sq. ft = lots to clean)
- Cooking/Dishes
- Laundry (9 loads + each week)
- Raising 4 kids
- Balancing visits, caseworkers, therapists, court, and other "system" stuff
- 2 dogs & a turtle
- Trying to be a good wife to my husband/being married
- Maintaining & building family/friend relationships
- 45-50 hr workweek + 10 hr-ish commute
- church, small group, and other service opportunities + building my relationship with God, etc.
- This blog.
- Training for a marathon relay team (right now it's 2 miles 3x/wk but will build to 5 miles + 3 days other types of training, 30 minutes each)
- Painting & decorating 3 rooms (kitchen & 2 kids rooms) - remember this post? Paint was on sale the week before labor day.
- Planting some foliage in the backyard to cover areas grass died before it becomes mud season
- Cleaning out the front flower beds, planting fall/winter foliage, and remulching
- Teaching the kids how to play Wii (forgot how much fun this was!)
- Prepping for my son's birthday party
- Prepping for #4's party and figuring out if we will have #8 on her birthday.
- Trying to get the state to set a date for #4's adoption so family can schedule trips if they can
- Finding new medicaid drs since our regular one is in a contract dispute...
- Fixing insurance on our rental home - just now switching it to a rental home (dwelling) policy
- Cleaning out closets and toy chests, sending old/too small/out of season stuff back to the parents of #7 & #8 in prep for them to go home.
- Trying to rid
the worldour home of ringworm.
- Prep for doctoral competency exams (eek...have to schedule that!)
- Finishup doctoral dissertation proposal (gotta get on that...)
- Clean the carpets
- Finish up my foster-care scrapbook
- Buy cold weather uniforms for Logie
- Paint the laundry room (after paint goes on sale again)
- Get a haircut
- Schedule family pictures (we usually do around birthday time)
- Get on top of the family budget
- Clean out the office closet/craft room
- Schedule dermatologist & allergist appointments for myself, Logie, and Little Miss (#4)
- Get back into batch cooking (wow...was it really January when I wrote that post...eek)
- Find a rodeo to take my kids to
- clean out the fridge & pantry
So what are you working on?
You can do it! You can do it!
I can't even tell the different stuff on my plate apart to make a list. It is NOT a good situation for ADD. Im sitting here playing games on my iPad because I can't even focus on what to start 1am in the morning, LOL.
Hang in there, Mama! The fact that you have it organized into a list is a good sign!
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