Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Official

I'm officially in the process of completing my comprehensive exams.  I am supposed to have 2 weeks to complete them.  That being said I was asked to complete them as soon as possible - as in 7-10 days.  The reason I'm being asked to complete them earlier is because they'd like to receive them a week before the 26th or 27th of April.  Why those dates?  Because they'd also like me to propose my dissertation that day and I need to have my comprehensive exams done and passed before I can do my proposal.

Completing my comprehensive exams while working and being a mama to 4 kids and a wife and managing a home was going to be difficult in 14 days.

Now I have 7-10 days to do all that and perfect my dissertation proposal and prepare the presentation for my dissertation proposal.

All in favor of some blog downtime?


I may pop in and say hi but I probably won't have any good, well-thought out posts for the next two weeks and I almost certainly won't have any regular feature posts.

But I love you all.  Stay-tuned.  I'll keep you abreast of my progress.

Because, you know, I know you're all waiting to hear.


Joy said...

Good Luck!!!

Anonymous said...

That is exciting and a lot of hard work too. I would say good luck, but I'm sure luck has little to do with completing your PhD! That will be quite an accomplishment.

Kylee said...

Blessings to you as your work on your proposal! We'll be waiting for you when you return to blog-land :)

Sunday Koffron Taylor said...

I will definitely be staying tuned! You can do it, I have much faith in you! XOXO!

Unknown said...

I am a mamma- (bio and via adoption) in the midst of her doctorate and working full time too....i have new senses of anxiety and frustration daily....

Mie said...

You guys are completely an answer to prayer! It is now my second day and I don't have any questions completely answered. I'd hoped to have 2 or so by now! I do have lots of bits and pieces though so I'm making progress.
In any case I'd prayed on the way home for some encouragement you all were just what I needed *hugs*
Now i'm back to work...

kobe said...

good luck to you