Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Working Mama Wednesday - You Get What You Ask For...

Remember when I was whining about my career?

Well I'm no longer worrying about it.  In fact my situation has changed so much since I last talked about it I'm fairly sure God is teaching mie a lesson.  You know, something along the lines of..."You don't trust mie?  Here. Handle this."

Ok God.  I give in.

My workload has become a mountain to climb.  I'm responsible for some of the largest projects in my company.  Most of them I can't talk about at all.  They are all in their busiest season NOW.  Those that did have an extended time-frame (which were challenging in themselves) are now being demanded in half the time.  The projects I was supposed to get rid of when I took on these other projects never went away.  And they need mie too.

To top it all off, I'd promised myself that I was going to finish my Ph.D. this year and to do so meant I had to complete my competency exams and dissertation proposal over the next month or so.  That requires at least 2 weeks of "full-time" work during which they recommend that you take off from work.  That's not going to happen.

Actually it is, I do have a week of vacation coming up in all this so we can travel to see my dad for his 60th birthday.  I've already had to move it slightly due to the work situation so I can present at an executive committee meeting.  It was just moved by one day though - now we'll be leaving after the meeting instead of the day before.

Why is this all great?

I work well under pressure and I like this pace though admittedly I'd like to tackle this instead:

In case you can't tell, those are ribbons.  Lots and lots of ribbons, sorted out by color.  On  the middle right you can see three bags - a purple and blue and red/white/green - all full of ribbons rolled up to be used in the future.  I plan to use them to make hair bows for my girls, kind of like the ones below.  I may have gone overboard, seeing as how this constitutes only ONE of the two bags I bought yesterday at hobby lobby...
I may end up needing to sell some of these because with that much ribbon I'll have WAY too many for personal use.

And I'd like to have more time to finish my degree.  And I'd like to have more time to spend with my kids (though I'm not really sacrificing that time right now - I work after they go to bed).

So I could complain about the pace and the workload but I secretly love it.  It makes mie more efficient and productive, not only at work but at home as well.  Once I get into that pace of being busy I tend to stay that way and I get a lot more done.  Plus, the projects I'm working on completely validate my contributions to the organization I work for not only because of the nature of the projects and amount of trust they place in mie with these things but also because people asked for MIE to work on it and because I know, even if no one else does, that I'm doing great things that wouldn't have been done without mie, at least not right now.  (Lest I fail to mention it, I'm not the only one working on these things).  These projects also could potentially lead mie to different more senior roles in the not-so-distant future.  And, I'm being considered for a different promotion as we speak.

I'm not confident that will turn out but it doesn't matter - the point is that God has heard my concern and responded, albeit with more work, so that I'm reminded He hears mie and that He cares about mie.  In the end, that's all that really matters.

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