Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Working Mama Wednesday - New "Job"

Because I don't do enough and have way too much free time on my hands, I've decided to volunteer as a community leader for ivillage.  I was a community leader for the message boards over there back before my son was born, but that was a long time ago.  I have some life-long friends that I developed from my days on those boards, and now I'm ready to get back into the message board scene. 

Join me over at Foster Parenting at ivillage.

In all honesty, I headed over to the boards looking for more folks to "socialize" with who share an interest in foster parenting.  When I arrived, I found they didn't have a CL and in the back of my head thought maybe one day I'll volunteer if the opportunity arose.  Sure enough, a few weeks have passed and I'm now officially the community leader and I'm super excited to be able to share and help lead that board. 

If you're interested in foster parenting join us won't you?

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